

An R package related to evapotranspiration research


You can install the hydroET from github:


(Potential) evapotranspiration model

Function name Model name Type
ET_CR_Ma Calibration-free complementary relationship (CR) model ET
ET_Penman1948 Penman 1948 model PET
ET_PT1972 Priestley-Taylor model PET
ET_summary A tibble containing various types of evapotranspiration results

Others functions

Function name Description
TM4TIF Add time attribute to raster object (personal function)
ggRunoff Drawing rainfall runoff hydrograph based on ggplot2
exact_separate Enhanced tidyr::separate function
bind_array_layer Merge layers of the same shape array
previous_value_interp Interpolate with the previous value
separate2 Enhanced tidyr::separate function by data.table
facet_subgraphs add subgraphs to ggplot2 facet object


Function name Description Url
GETZQData get hydrological data (water level and runoff) from Hubei by station code
get_NCBI_info get NCBI sample information https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
get_protein_homologs get protein homologs from JGI Phytozome https://phytozome-next.jgi.doe.gov/
get_plantintron_data get data from Plant Intron Splicing Efficiency Database https://plantintron.cn/arabidopsis/
downGsaExcel get ngdc gsa metadata information excel file https://ngdc.cncb.ac.cn/gsa/browse/


  • Accuracy of inverse function to derive TwsandTwb
  • Calibration of alpha (Appendix B in Ma and Szilagyi, 2019)
  • Link to Rstudio server
  • Maximum Evaporation Theory (Yang)
  • facet_wrap+geom_son_bar


Ning Ma, 2021, Calibration-Free Complementary Relationship Estimates Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Globally

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